
Alumni in Education: Matthew Gallo '15

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, we will spotlight alumni with careers in education. For many of these alumni, the path to becoming an educator began at Calvert School with inspiration coming from their teachers along the way.

The first spotlight is alumnus Matthew Gallo '15 who will embark on his own teaching career at Calvert School.
Matthew Gallo '15
Sixth Grade Earth Science Teacher, Calvert School

Calvert School (2015)
Gilman School (2019)
William & Mary (2023) B.S. Marine Science, Psychology
Hopper or Cricket?
Go Hoppers!
Favorite Calvert Memory
My first home run in kickball at recess in Lower School by kicking the ball onto the roof behind what was then left field.

Why did you want to become a teacher?
I am very passionate about what I teach. Fortunately for me, many of my past teachers had this same passion for the subject(s) they taught. Furthermore, my grandfather (Papa) was a significant role model for me growing up and was a teacher himself. Ultimately, and for the aforementioned reasons, I was inspired to pursue both of my degrees in science. Now, my desire is to share these same passions with another generation of students and watch as they grow into respectful, compassionate, honorable, and responsible individuals. Through teaching Earth Science, I hope to impart upon my students the knowledge and values needed to become stewards of the environment and of our entire planet, solar system, galaxy, and beyond.
What brought you back to Calvert?
What brought me back to Calvert was the feeling I got returning to campus for my first time in many years while applying for the position and interviewing. It was the unmistakable feeling of being home, and though many things may have changed over the years, in ways it feels like I never left. And what's more beautiful is the warm welcome I have received and felt over just the first few days of being back on campus preparing for the beginning of the school year.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
