News Detail

Seventh Annual Cool Schools Plunge

This year, Calvert’s Seventh Grade student council will be joining the Eighth Grade, jumping into the Chesapeake Bay to raise money for the Special Olympics! More important, they will be buddying up with 16 kids from St. Elizabeth School, and plunging alongside them for the first time on January 24th at Sandy Point State Park! This is a tradition we would love to continue in the years to come.
Each child must raise a total of $50 in order to participate; this is how you can help! We hope to support our students, raise awareness, and build upon this great collaboration. If you are interested in sponsoring a St. Elizabeth student or a Calvert student please click on their name on our Team Page to support their plunge! 

This partnership is inspired by the Clark Family, whose Team Sutton has raised exceptional funds and awareness about the Special Olympics and individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities. Since 2017, Calvert has supported the Cool Schools Plunge and Team Sutton by sending our entire Eighth Grade to participate. The past two years we have been the highest fundraising independent school for the Cool Schools Plunge, and educated our students around this wonderful cause. 
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
