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Bruce Beehler ’64 Publishes Book on New Guinea

New Guinea is the land of birds of paradise, tree kangaroos, and more than one thousand different traditional languages. It also is home of the richest coral reefs on earth and glacier-capped alpine summits.
Naturalist/author Bruce Beehler '64 has published his 16th book, entitled New Guinea: Nature and Culture of Earth's Grandest Island (Princeton University Press, 2020, 376 pages). The book is a comprehensive overview of the natural history and anthropology of the largest and highest tropical island, with a stunning collection of more than 150 photographs by National Geographic photographer Tim Laman.
Beehler did research on the island of New Guinea for more than 35 years and the new volume captures the wonders of this faraway place. The book is available from Princeton, Amazon, and wherever books are sold. 
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
