News Detail

Fifth Graders’ Generosity Builds a Well in South Sudan

A well, funded by the efforts of Calvert Fifth Graders, was recently completed and is functioning in South Sudan. After studying South Sudan’s culture and geography during the fall semester, Fifth Graders participated in Walk for Water in January to raise the money for Water for South Sudan, Inc. Their hard work has paid off in a tangible way.
Calvert’s well provides clean water to the village of Angui-Karich, in Gogrial East County, Warrap State, and the village chief is Dotjang Wol. View the village in Google Maps.
Water for South Sudan provides access to clean water and hygiene education, which is led by a South Sudan team. This local leadership is a key factor in the organization’s continued success. Generous donations have helped build over 250 wells since 2005 that help to provide fresh, clean water and a new future to the people of South Sudan. Congratulations Fifth Graders and the Fifth Grade Teachers for this accomplishment!

Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
