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Meet the 2015-16 Calvert Fund Chairs

Drs. Albert Polito and Redonda Miller are incredibly busy and incredibly dedicated to Calvert School. They have two daughters, Francesca ’19 and Bianca ’23, and are graciously serving as the 2015-16 Calvert Fund Chairs. They have shared their reasoning for wanting to support Calvert School in this meaningful way:
“The original decision to send our children to Calvert was based on a variety of factors: the school’s emphasis on the fundamentals of early education, its nurturing environment, and word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and colleagues. In all respects, Calvert has lived up to our expectations and exceeded them. It is not just that our two daughters seem to be learning in leaps and bounds. What really has made their experience so amazing is the joy that they take in being Calvert students. They love their teachers, their classmates, their classes and activities; they love the everyday life of the school.
It was because of that joy we see in our children that we decided to become more involved in The Calvert Fund. We want the school to thrive so that our children will continue to thrive. The Calvert Fund supports many aspects of the school’s operations, but the largest percentage of the monies raised—more than two-thirds of it—goes toward the salaries and benefits of the teachers and staff. That really appeals to us. Books, athletic facilities, art supplies, iPads in the classroom—these are undoubtedly important, but the faculty and staff are the lifeblood of the institution. We all know the old adage that one great teacher can change a child’s life. At Calvert, we see a wealth of great teachers! It’s important that the school reward them, retain them, and recruit the next generation of star educators.
We know that there are many competing priorities when it comes to charitable giving. For us, education is right at the top. Our hope is that everyone in the Calvert community will contribute to The Calvert Fund so that the school can continue to be the special place where our children learn and laugh and grow.”

Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
