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Elite Eight Advances in Calvert’s Reunion Giving Challenge

On March 22, Calvert announced the class years advancing to the Elite Eight of our reunion giving challenge. The next round will see face-off matches between the following classes: 1937 and 1997, 1967 and 1987, 1962 and 1971, and last but not least, 1952 and 1992.
In addition to recognizing the overall champion of this year's reunion challenge, Calvert will also award the class with the highest participation, so there's still a chance for victory for those class years that have been knocked out.

The next round of standings will be announced on Friday, April 22. As a reminder, there's still time for alumni in the challenge to help their class by donating today.

Importantly, be sure to register and join us for reunion weekend in May
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
