News Detail

Middle School Students Perform Disney's The Lion King, Jr.

Taking the audience on a journey to Africa, Calvert School students performed the fourth annual Middle School musical earlier this month. Opening the first weekend in March, our talented students put on two performances of Disney’s The Lion King Jr. for friends and family. In addition to two weekend performances for friends and family, each cast performed for their peers during the school day.
Over 50 students were involved in this production. Most roles were dual-cast so that more students had an opportunity to perform. Numerous students were also involved behind the scenes, providing essential technical assistance with sets, costumes, props, and stage management.

Students brought the animal kingdom to life with outstanding vocal and acting performances and creative staging. The Lion King Jr. was enjoyed by the Calvert community; it’s hard to believe that next year will mark our fifth Middle School musical!

More photos from both performances can be found in MyCalvert.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
